Clarity Walk has made a significant impact to people’s lives through our services. Read below to listen and read each story.
To help us make a larger impact please donate.
“I can honestly say Clarity Walk was the best decision I have ever made. I am becoming more confident, and criticise myself less. I’m less stressed, I can be myself on the walks, I feel accepted, I smile more, I laugh more. I have met so many lovely people and built new friendships. My anxiety has decreased and I’ve started to experience things I never thought I would be able to do or feel again”
Listen to Natasha’s full story by watching the video.
-Natasha Johnson
“Clarity Walk has turned my life around to help me re-engage with myself and the people around me”
Listen to Stacey’s full story by watching the video.
-Stacey Lumsden

“The feedback from the children has been really positive. They have tried new things, (forest yoga, rock painting, fire building and den building). Experiencing new environments unique to the Highlands has helped the group to use strategies learned on these sessions to connect with nature and work as a team. The teachers have noticed a positive difference in the children’s mental health and wellbeing when they are in class as a result of Clarity Walks.”
-Cauldeen Primary

“As a team of busy estate agents we are often glued to our phone so the day allowed us the opportunity to switch off our devices and completely relax. We felt calm and refreshed after and we can’t wait to do it again.”
-Purple Bricks

“Working in a time sensitive environment, always clock watching probably isn’t a good thing long term so it’s good to escape now and then. At Clarity, you really do just wander along and chat to others about anything and everything. I’ve met some really interesting people, many have become good friends on both the regular walks and at the mens walks so I would highly recommend them. I’ve never felt a sense of rush or pressure, just a very laid back approach to the whole thing. There are usually teas and biscuits after so it’s part walk, part social … win win!”
-Kenny Maclean

“Erin got so much out of her sessions on the 5-week program, she looked forward to going to them every week, it really brought her out of her shell and made her love the outdoors more. Honestly, it was the only day she would get out of bed for school without a fight. She can’t wait to do more in the future.”
-Ashley Macfarlane (parent)

““I started following Clarity Walk in Facebook and I was drawn immediately to what Matt was trying to do and achieve, and eventually I reached out to him to volunteer as a Walk Leader. After our first encounter he was happy for me to join Clarity Walk as a Walk leader and my journey began. First I started with one to one walks as we were still in the middle of restrictions.
Once the restrictions were lifted I started leading groups and I love it. I love meeting new people, walking in nature and everywhere. I am a very talkative person, but also a very good listener, and I also like my “me time” to listen to my own thoughts while walking, it is amazing what one can learn by listening to oneself. I like to listen to people’s stories. It is remarkable how stories are intertwined sometimes, and how your experiences can help others out or put perspective on your own issues. I love that Clarity Walk is for everyone regardless, and that there is no judgment, everyone is welcome. We are all in the same journey, and Clarity Walk is here to help and reach as many people as it can. I lead the Thursday evening walk and the afternoon walk in alternate Wednesday. Hope to see new and old faces and continuing doing what Clarity Walk has set out to do, to reach out to as many people as possible and help to improve their well being. I feel a more rounded person because of it.”
-Angeles Gortazar

“My name is Evie and I’m 10 years old and I attended kids Clarity Walk and I loved it. What I liked the most was being out in the Forrest and learning about the trees and plants and using nature for games. It was really good fun. I enjoyed running about in the Forest and feeling freedom, and I felt safe with Matt, Natalie and Maggie as they were joining in and teaching us new things. I liked that it was really good exercise and it helped me to be fitter too and more confident helping me to make friends outside of my own school. I looked forward to it every week. I would love to go again!
-Evie Skeoch

“Joining Clarity Walk is something I should have done quite some time ago, when I first started following their journey to support positive mental health, without the distraction of phones, emails, and messages. After selling up on my previous career in 2020, I thought time out from work was the best thing for me. However, going from spending all day with clients and their wonderful conversations, to the very opposite and having no structure to my day, made me realise there was more for me to learn and share with others.
With a true love for the great outdoors, fresh air and getting mud on my boots, signing up for my first clarity walk became an easy decision. I thought, “what’s the worst that could happen? Go for a walk with some people I have never met before – if I don’t like it, I can just go home”. Feeling so welcome on walk one, inspired me to volunteer and help to offer as many walks as possible in our beautiful Highland area. Every walk I have joined has allowed me to learn something new. I have laughed, listened, met new people, shared ideas, and always left every walk feeling uplifted and positive. Many of the walks have a “car boot café” at the end, which is a great chance to have a group blether if you have time, before getting on with the rest of your day. There are no expectations here, just be who you want to be, you will be welcomed and accepted.”
-Susan Jones

“I joined Clarity as I thought it was good to get out and about during lock-down. My wife and I had been discovering our own walks but it seemed to make more sense to join a group and get some social interaction as well. Its a real joy to see how each route changes with the seasons over the year and to share that joy with others makes the whole experience doubly enjoyable. I always feel more energised and enthused after a walk with a group and the earlier I make it really sets me up for the day. Walks are as interesting as you make them. As a walk leader I feel I have a responsibility to find out all the interesting facts about a particular route and share them with the group. Whether its a cemetary, a Hill Fort or a woodland we are walking through, there is always something interesting to be leaned and shared and enjoyed.”
-Barry Hardy

“My life has been out of balance for many months now; I’ve realised social interaction, which I took for granted in my normal everyday life, is what makes me tick. Reaching out for a connection has seemed easiest through my mobile phone, and whilst it has been important for staying connected with friends and family, technology brings a very short term high, and soon becomes a stressor, as it feels like a direct connection to such an onslaught of information and advertisement, nearly all of which is of no interest or benefit to me.
Nature has kept me right for always, and especially over the last 18 months. I have always been drawn to nature, and time outdoors; it never fails to ground me, always calming, always absorbing, never disappointing. I love how it helps me lose my sense of self, and become part of a much bigger existence. It makes me focus, whether wide-angle, taking in a big view, of trees swaying in the wind, birds soaring in the sky, and calling from the treetops; or zoomed-in, when i spot a small movement, or hear a buzzing, and lock-on to a spider spinning its web, or a bumblebee fuelling up on nectar from a beautiful flower. These things are truth, these things bring pure joy, these things are what keeps us alive.
So when I recently found Clarity Walks, an outlet to combine social interaction with walking in nature (and being told ‘No technology’), I was smitten! I love meeting new people, curious people, people reaching out for a connection – we can all bee busy bees a lot of the time, searching for a quick high from the first, brightest thing we see; remembering we can stop still and find beauty in the simplest things, and that we ourselves can be the source of nourishment for others in need of it, just by being there, is so important.
-Anthony Watkins

“I’ve always been a regular walker, but decided to join Clarity as they always find interesting routes in and around Inverness and Nairn, many of them I would never have known about or found otherwise. There’s a great cross section of people who join the walks, across different ages and backgrounds and many have been with Clarity for a long time.
What I really appreciate about the walks, is the time taken to enjoy the surroundings and views. You’re never rushed for time, and get the opportunity to talk to everyone in the group at some point during the walk if you want to. There are a great selection of different walks during the week, from nature trails and beaches, to stately homes and historic landmarks.
We’re so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world and Clarity Walk has been a positive influence on the town since its inception. It’s great to be a member of an enterprise that brings local people together and gets them away from their phone or computer screens for a while. Let’s face it, we all feel better for getting some fresh air, and Clarity Walk makes it super easy and convenient to do just that.”
-Paul Wood

“I was referred to Clarity Walk by my GP for various reasons, bereavement, depression, Covid, lockdown, exercise. Choose any one, a combination or all; they are all relevant to some extent. The first walk was a bit daunting, I was apprehensive about what to expect and meeting new people. I am usually a quiet person, preferring to observe and listen to what’s going on around me, whilst I had time to walk and reflect quietly. I think by the end of that first walk, I was drawn into enjoyable conversations with each member of the group. The photo was taken by Maggie, the leader on my fourth walk, she caught me on one of those “reflecting quietly moments” that we all need from time to time.
The walks are excellent ways to bring focus back into your day, to get out in the fresh air and recharge yourself for the rest of the day or week.”
-Ken Povey