About us

About us


The story


Clarity Walk was founded by Matt Wallace in August 2019 using the methods which helped him recover from depression. These methods were taking time away from digital devices, spending more time in nature and connecting regularly with others.

It is our mission to bring people together in nature with our activities to build stronger, more connected communities to reduce isolation, anxiety and depression.


“Nobody should have to walk alone”


Listen to the founding story below:



Matt Wallace Founder and Managing Director
Henrieta Farkasova Engagement Officer
Maggie Corbett Community Co-ordination and Administration
Alexandra Quill Children's Development officer


We also have incredible volunteers and Directors who help us lead our community projects



Over the next 5 years we are going to support 10000 people to improve their mental health and wellbeing by bringing people of all ages together in nature.

We believe collaborating with local and national businesses, charities and schools will help us create the biggest impact.




We believe everyone should experience a Digital Detox walk so we have designed Clarity Walk to have walks for all abilities and referral programs to support those referred by GP's counsellors and mental health charities.

Our aims are to become the leading wellbeing provider for walking activities.


It is our passion to support children improve their mental health and wellbeing through the power of nature. We have been working with local schools to help children escape their digital devices to learn valuable skills in the forest whilst having fun. Our Digital Detox school programs have supported over 100 children to escape their digital devices.

Teambuilding and corporate

Working with organisations to reduce sick days and workplace stress helps to fund our social mission. We support organisations with our unique teambuilding days to bring staff together to improve their wellbeing whilst helping them to fulfill their corporate and social responsibilities.

Volunteering opportunities

Clarity Walk is built on volunteers to provide services that matter to the community. Volunteering opportunities provide a sense of purpose and help us reach and support more people to improve their mental health. We have provided over 15 volunteering opportunities to our members to become walk leaders.


To help us reach our goal of supporting 10000 people we are going to franchise across the UK and are looking for 2 pilot franchisees in 2023.




Since August 2019 we have:

  • Supported over 6000 attendees of all ages and abilities to discover nature without the distraction of phones. 30% have been self-referrals from NHS!
  • Supported 7 people to return back to work after been signed off for mental health issues
  • Provided 15 volunteering opportunities for walk leaders
  • Collected 4600 litres of rubbish from local nature spotssince April 2021
  • Supported over 7 local schools with our 5-week nature program to provide children with lifelong skills and confidence
  • Received referrals from GP practices, counsellors and mental health charities who recognise the health benefits of our walks. 


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